[docs]defsync(body:TextToCadIterationBody,*,client:Client,)->Optional[Union[TextToCadIteration,Error]]:"""Even if you give specific ranges to edit, the model might change more than just those in order to make the changes you requested without breaking the code. You always get the whole code back, even if you only changed a small part of it. This operation is performed asynchronously, the `id` of the operation will be returned. You can use the `id` returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the `/async/operations/{id}` endpoint. This endpoint will soon be deprecated in favor of the `/ml/text-to-cad/multi-file/iteration` endpoint. In that the endpoint path will remain but it will have the same behavior as `ml/text-to-cad/multi-file/iteration`."""# noqa: E501returnsync_detailed(body=body,client=client,).parsed
[docs]asyncdefasyncio(body:TextToCadIterationBody,*,client:Client,)->Optional[Union[TextToCadIteration,Error]]:"""Even if you give specific ranges to edit, the model might change more than just those in order to make the changes you requested without breaking the code. You always get the whole code back, even if you only changed a small part of it. This operation is performed asynchronously, the `id` of the operation will be returned. You can use the `id` returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the `/async/operations/{id}` endpoint. This endpoint will soon be deprecated in favor of the `/ml/text-to-cad/multi-file/iteration` endpoint. In that the endpoint path will remain but it will have the same behavior as `ml/text-to-cad/multi-file/iteration`."""# noqa: E501return(awaitasyncio_detailed(body=body,client=client,)).parsed