from typing import Literal , Union
from pydantic import BaseModel , ConfigDict , Field , RootModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from ..models.add_hole_from_offset import AddHoleFromOffset
from ..models.camera_drag_end import CameraDragEnd
from ..models.camera_drag_move import CameraDragMove
from ..models.camera_drag_start import CameraDragStart
from ..models.center_of_mass import CenterOfMass
from ..models.close_path import ClosePath
from ..models.curve_get_control_points import CurveGetControlPoints
from ..models.curve_get_end_points import CurveGetEndPoints
from ..models.curve_get_type import CurveGetType
from ..models.curve_set_constraint import CurveSetConstraint
from ..models.default_camera_center_to_scene import DefaultCameraCenterToScene
from ..models.default_camera_center_to_selection import DefaultCameraCenterToSelection
from ..models.default_camera_focus_on import DefaultCameraFocusOn
from ..models.default_camera_get_settings import DefaultCameraGetSettings
from ..models.default_camera_look_at import DefaultCameraLookAt
from ..models.default_camera_perspective_settings import (
DefaultCameraPerspectiveSettings ,
from ..models.default_camera_set_orthographic import DefaultCameraSetOrthographic
from ..models.default_camera_set_perspective import DefaultCameraSetPerspective
from ..models.default_camera_zoom import DefaultCameraZoom
from ..models.density import Density
from ..models.disable_dry_run import DisableDryRun
from ..models.edge_lines_visible import EdgeLinesVisible
from ..models.enable_dry_run import EnableDryRun
from ..models.enable_sketch_mode import EnableSketchMode
from ..models.engine_util_evaluate_path import EngineUtilEvaluatePath
from ..models.entity_circular_pattern import EntityCircularPattern
from ..models.entity_fade import EntityFade
from ..models.entity_get_all_child_uuids import EntityGetAllChildUuids
from ..models.entity_get_child_uuid import EntityGetChildUuid
from ..models.entity_get_distance import EntityGetDistance
from ..models.entity_get_num_children import EntityGetNumChildren
from ..models.entity_get_parent_id import EntityGetParentId
from ..models.entity_get_sketch_paths import EntityGetSketchPaths
from ..models.entity_linear_pattern import EntityLinearPattern
from ..models.entity_linear_pattern_transform import EntityLinearPatternTransform
from ..models.entity_make_helix import EntityMakeHelix
from ..models.entity_make_helix_from_edge import EntityMakeHelixFromEdge
from ..models.entity_make_helix_from_params import EntityMakeHelixFromParams
from ..models.entity_mirror import EntityMirror
from ..models.entity_mirror_across_edge import EntityMirrorAcrossEdge
from ..models.entity_set_opacity import EntitySetOpacity
from ..models.export import Export
from ..models.extend_path import ExtendPath
from ..models.extrude import Extrude
from ..models.extrusion_face_info import ExtrusionFaceInfo
from ..models.face_get_center import FaceGetCenter
from ..models.face_get_gradient import FaceGetGradient
from ..models.face_get_position import FaceGetPosition
from ..models.face_is_planar import FaceIsPlanar
from ..models.get_entity_type import GetEntityType
from ..models.get_num_objects import GetNumObjects
from ..models.get_sketch_mode_plane import GetSketchModePlane
from ..models.handle_mouse_drag_end import HandleMouseDragEnd
from ..models.handle_mouse_drag_move import HandleMouseDragMove
from ..models.handle_mouse_drag_start import HandleMouseDragStart
from ..models.highlight_set_entities import HighlightSetEntities
from ..models.highlight_set_entity import HighlightSetEntity
from ..models.import_files import ImportFiles
from ..models.imported_geometry import ImportedGeometry
from import Loft
from ..models.make_axes_gizmo import MakeAxesGizmo
from ..models.make_offset_path import MakeOffsetPath
from ..models.make_plane import MakePlane
from ..models.mass import Mass
from ..models.mouse_click import MouseClick
from ..models.mouse_move import MouseMove
from ..models.move_path_pen import MovePathPen
from ..models.new_annotation import NewAnnotation
from ..models.object_bring_to_front import ObjectBringToFront
from ..models.object_set_material_params_pbr import ObjectSetMaterialParamsPbr
from ..models.object_visible import ObjectVisible
from ..models.orient_to_face import OrientToFace
from ..models.path_get_curve_uuid import PathGetCurveUuid
from ..models.path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices import PathGetCurveUuidsForVertices
from ..models.path_get_info import PathGetInfo
from ..models.path_get_sketch_target_uuid import PathGetSketchTargetUuid
from ..models.path_get_vertex_uuids import PathGetVertexUuids
from ..models.path_segment_info import PathSegmentInfo
from ..models.plane_intersect_and_project import PlaneIntersectAndProject
from ..models.plane_set_color import PlaneSetColor
from ..models.project_entity_to_plane import ProjectEntityToPlane
from ..models.project_points_to_plane import ProjectPointsToPlane
from ..models.reconfigure_stream import ReconfigureStream
from ..models.remove_scene_objects import RemoveSceneObjects
from ..models.revolve import Revolve
from ..models.revolve_about_edge import RevolveAboutEdge
from ..models.scene_clear_all import SceneClearAll
from ..models.select_add import SelectAdd
from ..models.select_clear import SelectClear
from ..models.select_get import SelectGet
from ..models.select_remove import SelectRemove
from ..models.select_replace import SelectReplace
from ..models.select_with_point import SelectWithPoint
from ..models.send_object import SendObject
from ..models.set_background_color import SetBackgroundColor
from ..models.set_current_tool_properties import SetCurrentToolProperties
from ..models.set_default_system_properties import SetDefaultSystemProperties
from ..models.set_object_transform import SetObjectTransform
from ..models.set_scene_units import SetSceneUnits
from ..models.set_selection_filter import SetSelectionFilter
from ..models.set_selection_type import SetSelectionType
from ..models.set_tool import SetTool
from ..models.sketch_mode_disable import SketchModeDisable
from ..models.solid2d_add_hole import Solid2dAddHole
from ..models.solid3d_fillet_edge import Solid3dFilletEdge
from ..models.solid3d_get_all_edge_faces import Solid3dGetAllEdgeFaces
from ..models.solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges import Solid3dGetAllOppositeEdges
from ..models.solid3d_get_common_edge import Solid3dGetCommonEdge
from ..models.solid3d_get_extrusion_face_info import Solid3dGetExtrusionFaceInfo
from ..models.solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge import Solid3dGetNextAdjacentEdge
from ..models.solid3d_get_opposite_edge import Solid3dGetOppositeEdge
from ..models.solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge import Solid3dGetPrevAdjacentEdge
from ..models.solid3d_shell_face import Solid3dShellFace
from ..models.start_path import StartPath
from ..models.surface_area import SurfaceArea
from ..models.sweep import Sweep
from ..models.take_snapshot import TakeSnapshot
from ..models.update_annotation import UpdateAnnotation
from ..models.view_isometric import ViewIsometric
from ..models.volume import Volume
from ..models.zoom_to_fit import ZoomToFit
class OptionEmpty ( BaseModel ):
"""An empty response, used for any command that does not explicitly have a response defined here."""
type : Literal [ "empty" ] = "empty"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEngineUtilEvaluatePath ( BaseModel ):
data : EngineUtilEvaluatePath
type : Literal [ "engine_util_evaluate_path" ] = "engine_util_evaluate_path"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionStartPath ( BaseModel ):
data : StartPath
type : Literal [ "start_path" ] = "start_path"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMovePathPen ( BaseModel ):
data : MovePathPen
type : Literal [ "move_path_pen" ] = "move_path_pen"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionExtendPath ( BaseModel ):
data : ExtendPath
type : Literal [ "extend_path" ] = "extend_path"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionExtrude ( BaseModel ):
data : Extrude
type : Literal [ "extrude" ] = "extrude"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSweep ( BaseModel ):
data : Sweep
type : Literal [ "sweep" ] = "sweep"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionRevolve ( BaseModel ):
data : Revolve
type : Literal [ "revolve" ] = "revolve"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DShellFace ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dShellFace
type : Literal [ "solid3d_shell_face" ] = "solid3d_shell_face"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionRevolveAboutEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : RevolveAboutEdge
type : Literal [ "revolve_about_edge" ] = "revolve_about_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCameraDragStart ( BaseModel ):
data : CameraDragStart
type : Literal [ "camera_drag_start" ] = "camera_drag_start"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraLookAt ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraLookAt
type : Literal [ "default_camera_look_at" ] = "default_camera_look_at"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraPerspectiveSettings ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraPerspectiveSettings
type : Literal [ "default_camera_perspective_settings" ] = (
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectAdd ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectAdd
type : Literal [ "select_add" ] = "select_add"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectRemove ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectRemove
type : Literal [ "select_remove" ] = "select_remove"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSceneClearAll ( BaseModel ):
data : SceneClearAll
type : Literal [ "scene_clear_all" ] = "scene_clear_all"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectReplace ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectReplace
type : Literal [ "select_replace" ] = "select_replace"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionHighlightSetEntities ( BaseModel ):
data : HighlightSetEntities
type : Literal [ "highlight_set_entities" ] = "highlight_set_entities"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionNewAnnotation ( BaseModel ):
data : NewAnnotation
type : Literal [ "new_annotation" ] = "new_annotation"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionUpdateAnnotation ( BaseModel ):
data : UpdateAnnotation
type : Literal [ "update_annotation" ] = "update_annotation"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEdgeLinesVisible ( BaseModel ):
data : EdgeLinesVisible
type : Literal [ "edge_lines_visible" ] = "edge_lines_visible"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionObjectVisible ( BaseModel ):
data : ObjectVisible
type : Literal [ "object_visible" ] = "object_visible"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionObjectBringToFront ( BaseModel ):
data : ObjectBringToFront
type : Literal [ "object_bring_to_front" ] = "object_bring_to_front"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionObjectSetMaterialParamsPbr ( BaseModel ):
data : ObjectSetMaterialParamsPbr
type : Literal [ "object_set_material_params_pbr" ] = "object_set_material_params_pbr"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid2DAddHole ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid2dAddHole
type : Literal [ "solid2d_add_hole" ] = "solid2d_add_hole"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DFilletEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dFilletEdge
type : Literal [ "solid3d_fillet_edge" ] = "solid3d_fillet_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSendObject ( BaseModel ):
data : SendObject
type : Literal [ "send_object" ] = "send_object"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntitySetOpacity ( BaseModel ):
data : EntitySetOpacity
type : Literal [ "entity_set_opacity" ] = "entity_set_opacity"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityFade ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityFade
type : Literal [ "entity_fade" ] = "entity_fade"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMakePlane ( BaseModel ):
data : MakePlane
type : Literal [ "make_plane" ] = "make_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPlaneSetColor ( BaseModel ):
data : PlaneSetColor
type : Literal [ "plane_set_color" ] = "plane_set_color"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMouseMove ( BaseModel ):
data : MouseMove
type : Literal [ "mouse_move" ] = "mouse_move"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSketchModeDisable ( BaseModel ):
data : SketchModeDisable
type : Literal [ "sketch_mode_disable" ] = "sketch_mode_disable"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEnableDryRun ( BaseModel ):
data : EnableDryRun
type : Literal [ "enable_dry_run" ] = "enable_dry_run"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDisableDryRun ( BaseModel ):
data : DisableDryRun
type : Literal [ "disable_dry_run" ] = "disable_dry_run"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCurveSetConstraint ( BaseModel ):
data : CurveSetConstraint
type : Literal [ "curve_set_constraint" ] = "curve_set_constraint"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEnableSketchMode ( BaseModel ):
data : EnableSketchMode
type : Literal [ "enable_sketch_mode" ] = "enable_sketch_mode"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSetBackgroundColor ( BaseModel ):
data : SetBackgroundColor
type : Literal [ "set_background_color" ] = "set_background_color"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSetDefaultSystemProperties ( BaseModel ):
data : SetDefaultSystemProperties
type : Literal [ "set_default_system_properties" ] = "set_default_system_properties"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMakeAxesGizmo ( BaseModel ):
data : MakeAxesGizmo
type : Literal [ "make_axes_gizmo" ] = "make_axes_gizmo"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionHandleMouseDragStart ( BaseModel ):
data : HandleMouseDragStart
type : Literal [ "handle_mouse_drag_start" ] = "handle_mouse_drag_start"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionHandleMouseDragMove ( BaseModel ):
data : HandleMouseDragMove
type : Literal [ "handle_mouse_drag_move" ] = "handle_mouse_drag_move"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionHandleMouseDragEnd ( BaseModel ):
data : HandleMouseDragEnd
type : Literal [ "handle_mouse_drag_end" ] = "handle_mouse_drag_end"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionRemoveSceneObjects ( BaseModel ):
data : RemoveSceneObjects
type : Literal [ "remove_scene_objects" ] = "remove_scene_objects"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSetSceneUnits ( BaseModel ):
data : SetSceneUnits
type : Literal [ "set_scene_units" ] = "set_scene_units"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSetSelectionType ( BaseModel ):
data : SetSelectionType
type : Literal [ "set_selection_type" ] = "set_selection_type"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSetSelectionFilter ( BaseModel ):
data : SetSelectionFilter
type : Literal [ "set_selection_filter" ] = "set_selection_filter"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraSetOrthographic ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraSetOrthographic
type : Literal [ "default_camera_set_orthographic" ] = "default_camera_set_orthographic"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraSetPerspective ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraSetPerspective
type : Literal [ "default_camera_set_perspective" ] = "default_camera_set_perspective"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraCenterToSelection ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraCenterToSelection
type : Literal [ "default_camera_center_to_selection" ] = (
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraCenterToScene ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraCenterToScene
type : Literal [ "default_camera_center_to_scene" ] = "default_camera_center_to_scene"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectClear ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectClear
type : Literal [ "select_clear" ] = "select_clear"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionExport ( BaseModel ):
data : Export
type : Literal [ "export" ] = "export"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectWithPoint ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectWithPoint
type : Literal [ "select_with_point" ] = "select_with_point"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionHighlightSetEntity ( BaseModel ):
data : HighlightSetEntity
type : Literal [ "highlight_set_entity" ] = "highlight_set_entity"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetChildUuid ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetChildUuid
type : Literal [ "entity_get_child_uuid" ] = "entity_get_child_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetNumChildren ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetNumChildren
type : Literal [ "entity_get_num_children" ] = "entity_get_num_children"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetParentId ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetParentId
type : Literal [ "entity_get_parent_id" ] = "entity_get_parent_id"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetAllChildUuids ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetAllChildUuids
type : Literal [ "entity_get_all_child_uuids" ] = "entity_get_all_child_uuids"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetSketchPaths ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetSketchPaths
type : Literal [ "entity_get_sketch_paths" ] = "entity_get_sketch_paths"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionLoft ( BaseModel ):
data : Loft
type : Literal [ "loft" ] = "loft"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionClosePath ( BaseModel ):
data : ClosePath
type : Literal [ "close_path" ] = "close_path"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCameraDragMove ( BaseModel ):
data : CameraDragMove
type : Literal [ "camera_drag_move" ] = "camera_drag_move"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCameraDragEnd ( BaseModel ):
data : CameraDragEnd
type : Literal [ "camera_drag_end" ] = "camera_drag_end"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraGetSettings ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraGetSettings
type : Literal [ "default_camera_get_settings" ] = "default_camera_get_settings"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraZoom ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraZoom
type : Literal [ "default_camera_zoom" ] = "default_camera_zoom"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionZoomToFit ( BaseModel ):
data : ZoomToFit
type : Literal [ "zoom_to_fit" ] = "zoom_to_fit"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionOrientToFace ( BaseModel ):
data : OrientToFace
type : Literal [ "orient_to_face" ] = "orient_to_face"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionViewIsometric ( BaseModel ):
data : ViewIsometric
type : Literal [ "view_isometric" ] = "view_isometric"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionGetNumObjects ( BaseModel ):
data : GetNumObjects
type : Literal [ "get_num_objects" ] = "get_num_objects"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMakeOffsetPath ( BaseModel ):
data : MakeOffsetPath
type : Literal [ "make_offset_path" ] = "make_offset_path"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionAddHoleFromOffset ( BaseModel ):
data : AddHoleFromOffset
type : Literal [ "add_hole_from_offset" ] = "add_hole_from_offset"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDefaultCameraFocusOn ( BaseModel ):
data : DefaultCameraFocusOn
type : Literal [ "default_camera_focus_on" ] = "default_camera_focus_on"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSelectGet ( BaseModel ):
data : SelectGet
type : Literal [ "select_get" ] = "select_get"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetAllEdgeFaces ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetAllEdgeFaces
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_all_edge_faces" ] = "solid3d_get_all_edge_faces"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetAllOppositeEdges ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetAllOppositeEdges
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges" ] = "solid3d_get_all_opposite_edges"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetOppositeEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetOppositeEdge
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_opposite_edge" ] = "solid3d_get_opposite_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetNextAdjacentEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetNextAdjacentEdge
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge" ] = "solid3d_get_next_adjacent_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetPrevAdjacentEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetPrevAdjacentEdge
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge" ] = "solid3d_get_prev_adjacent_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetCommonEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetCommonEdge
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_common_edge" ] = "solid3d_get_common_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionGetEntityType ( BaseModel ):
data : GetEntityType
type : Literal [ "get_entity_type" ] = "get_entity_type"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCurveGetControlPoints ( BaseModel ):
data : CurveGetControlPoints
type : Literal [ "curve_get_control_points" ] = "curve_get_control_points"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionProjectEntityToPlane ( BaseModel ):
data : ProjectEntityToPlane
type : Literal [ "project_entity_to_plane" ] = "project_entity_to_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionProjectPointsToPlane ( BaseModel ):
data : ProjectPointsToPlane
type : Literal [ "project_points_to_plane" ] = "project_points_to_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCurveGetType ( BaseModel ):
data : CurveGetType
type : Literal [ "curve_get_type" ] = "curve_get_type"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMouseClick ( BaseModel ):
data : MouseClick
type : Literal [ "mouse_click" ] = "mouse_click"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionTakeSnapshot ( BaseModel ):
data : TakeSnapshot
type : Literal [ "take_snapshot" ] = "take_snapshot"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathGetInfo ( BaseModel ):
data : PathGetInfo
type : Literal [ "path_get_info" ] = "path_get_info"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathSegmentInfo ( BaseModel ):
data : PathSegmentInfo
type : Literal [ "path_segment_info" ] = "path_segment_info"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathGetCurveUuidsForVertices ( BaseModel ):
data : PathGetCurveUuidsForVertices
type : Literal [ "path_get_curve_uuids_for_vertices" ] = (
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathGetCurveUuid ( BaseModel ):
data : PathGetCurveUuid
type : Literal [ "path_get_curve_uuid" ] = "path_get_curve_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathGetVertexUuids ( BaseModel ):
data : PathGetVertexUuids
type : Literal [ "path_get_vertex_uuids" ] = "path_get_vertex_uuids"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPathGetSketchTargetUuid ( BaseModel ):
data : PathGetSketchTargetUuid
type : Literal [ "path_get_sketch_target_uuid" ] = "path_get_sketch_target_uuid"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCurveGetEndPoints ( BaseModel ):
data : CurveGetEndPoints
type : Literal [ "curve_get_end_points" ] = "curve_get_end_points"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionFaceIsPlanar ( BaseModel ):
data : FaceIsPlanar
type : Literal [ "face_is_planar" ] = "face_is_planar"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionFaceGetPosition ( BaseModel ):
data : FaceGetPosition
type : Literal [ "face_get_position" ] = "face_get_position"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionFaceGetCenter ( BaseModel ):
data : FaceGetCenter
type : Literal [ "face_get_center" ] = "face_get_center"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionFaceGetGradient ( BaseModel ):
data : FaceGetGradient
type : Literal [ "face_get_gradient" ] = "face_get_gradient"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionPlaneIntersectAndProject ( BaseModel ):
data : PlaneIntersectAndProject
type : Literal [ "plane_intersect_and_project" ] = "plane_intersect_and_project"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionImportFiles ( BaseModel ):
data : ImportFiles
type : Literal [ "import_files" ] = "import_files"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionImportedGeometry ( BaseModel ):
data : ImportedGeometry
type : Literal [ "imported_geometry" ] = "imported_geometry"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionMass ( BaseModel ):
data : Mass
type : Literal [ "mass" ] = "mass"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionVolume ( BaseModel ):
data : Volume
type : Literal [ "volume" ] = "volume"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionDensity ( BaseModel ):
data : Density
type : Literal [ "density" ] = "density"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSurfaceArea ( BaseModel ):
data : SurfaceArea
type : Literal [ "surface_area" ] = "surface_area"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionCenterOfMass ( BaseModel ):
data : CenterOfMass
type : Literal [ "center_of_mass" ] = "center_of_mass"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionGetSketchModePlane ( BaseModel ):
data : GetSketchModePlane
type : Literal [ "get_sketch_mode_plane" ] = "get_sketch_mode_plane"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityGetDistance ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityGetDistance
type : Literal [ "entity_get_distance" ] = "entity_get_distance"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityLinearPattern ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityLinearPattern
type : Literal [ "entity_linear_pattern" ] = "entity_linear_pattern"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityCircularPattern ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityCircularPattern
type : Literal [ "entity_circular_pattern" ] = "entity_circular_pattern"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityMirror ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityMirror
type : Literal [ "entity_mirror" ] = "entity_mirror"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityMirrorAcrossEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityMirrorAcrossEdge
type : Literal [ "entity_mirror_across_edge" ] = "entity_mirror_across_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityMakeHelix ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityMakeHelix
type : Literal [ "entity_make_helix" ] = "entity_make_helix"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityMakeHelixFromParams ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityMakeHelixFromParams
type : Literal [ "entity_make_helix_from_params" ] = "entity_make_helix_from_params"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionEntityMakeHelixFromEdge ( BaseModel ):
data : EntityMakeHelixFromEdge
type : Literal [ "entity_make_helix_from_edge" ] = "entity_make_helix_from_edge"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionSolid3DGetExtrusionFaceInfo ( BaseModel ):
data : Solid3dGetExtrusionFaceInfo
type : Literal [ "solid3d_get_extrusion_face_info" ] = "solid3d_get_extrusion_face_info"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
class OptionExtrusionFaceInfo ( BaseModel ):
data : ExtrusionFaceInfo
type : Literal [ "extrusion_face_info" ] = "extrusion_face_info"
model_config = ConfigDict ( protected_namespaces = ())
OkModelingCmdResponse = RootModel [
Annotated [
Union [
OptionEmpty ,
OptionEngineUtilEvaluatePath ,
OptionStartPath ,
OptionMovePathPen ,
OptionExtendPath ,
OptionExtrude ,
OptionSweep ,
OptionRevolve ,
OptionSolid3DShellFace ,
OptionRevolveAboutEdge ,
OptionCameraDragStart ,
OptionDefaultCameraLookAt ,
OptionDefaultCameraPerspectiveSettings ,
OptionSelectAdd ,
OptionSelectRemove ,
OptionSceneClearAll ,
OptionSelectReplace ,
OptionHighlightSetEntities ,
OptionNewAnnotation ,
OptionUpdateAnnotation ,
OptionEdgeLinesVisible ,
OptionObjectVisible ,
OptionObjectBringToFront ,
OptionObjectSetMaterialParamsPbr ,
OptionSolid2DAddHole ,
OptionSolid3DFilletEdge ,
OptionSendObject ,
OptionEntitySetOpacity ,
OptionEntityFade ,
OptionMakePlane ,
OptionPlaneSetColor ,
OptionSetTool ,
OptionMouseMove ,
OptionSketchModeDisable ,
OptionEnableDryRun ,
OptionDisableDryRun ,
OptionCurveSetConstraint ,
OptionEnableSketchMode ,
OptionSetBackgroundColor ,
OptionSetCurrentToolProperties ,
OptionSetDefaultSystemProperties ,
OptionMakeAxesGizmo ,
OptionHandleMouseDragStart ,
OptionHandleMouseDragMove ,
OptionHandleMouseDragEnd ,
OptionRemoveSceneObjects ,
OptionReconfigureStream ,
OptionSetSceneUnits ,
OptionSetSelectionType ,
OptionSetSelectionFilter ,
OptionDefaultCameraSetOrthographic ,
OptionDefaultCameraSetPerspective ,
OptionDefaultCameraCenterToSelection ,
OptionDefaultCameraCenterToScene ,
OptionSelectClear ,
OptionExport ,
OptionSelectWithPoint ,
OptionHighlightSetEntity ,
OptionEntityGetChildUuid ,
OptionEntityGetNumChildren ,
OptionEntityGetParentId ,
OptionEntityGetAllChildUuids ,
OptionEntityGetSketchPaths ,
OptionLoft ,
OptionClosePath ,
OptionCameraDragMove ,
OptionCameraDragEnd ,
OptionDefaultCameraGetSettings ,
OptionDefaultCameraZoom ,
OptionZoomToFit ,
OptionOrientToFace ,
OptionViewIsometric ,
OptionGetNumObjects ,
OptionMakeOffsetPath ,
OptionSetObjectTransform ,
OptionAddHoleFromOffset ,
OptionDefaultCameraFocusOn ,
OptionSelectGet ,
OptionSolid3DGetAllEdgeFaces ,
OptionSolid3DGetAllOppositeEdges ,
OptionSolid3DGetOppositeEdge ,
OptionSolid3DGetNextAdjacentEdge ,
OptionSolid3DGetPrevAdjacentEdge ,
OptionSolid3DGetCommonEdge ,
OptionGetEntityType ,
OptionCurveGetControlPoints ,
OptionProjectEntityToPlane ,
OptionProjectPointsToPlane ,
OptionCurveGetType ,
OptionMouseClick ,
OptionTakeSnapshot ,
OptionPathGetInfo ,
OptionPathSegmentInfo ,
OptionPathGetCurveUuidsForVertices ,
OptionPathGetCurveUuid ,
OptionPathGetVertexUuids ,
OptionPathGetSketchTargetUuid ,
OptionCurveGetEndPoints ,
OptionFaceIsPlanar ,
OptionFaceGetPosition ,
OptionFaceGetCenter ,
OptionFaceGetGradient ,
OptionPlaneIntersectAndProject ,
OptionImportFiles ,
OptionImportedGeometry ,
OptionMass ,
OptionVolume ,
OptionDensity ,
OptionSurfaceArea ,
OptionCenterOfMass ,
OptionGetSketchModePlane ,
OptionEntityGetDistance ,
OptionEntityLinearPatternTransform ,
OptionEntityLinearPattern ,
OptionEntityCircularPattern ,
OptionEntityMirror ,
OptionEntityMirrorAcrossEdge ,
OptionEntityMakeHelix ,
OptionEntityMakeHelixFromParams ,
OptionEntityMakeHelixFromEdge ,
OptionSolid3DGetExtrusionFaceInfo ,
OptionExtrusionFaceInfo ,
Field ( discriminator = "type" ),
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